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No Nama Country Nationality AA Reg Registration No. and date of registration Academic Qualification and date of graduation Years of Experience After Graduation Years of Experience After Licensure Specialization Date MC Approved Date AAC Endorsed Status
61 Budi Raharjo Indonesia Indonesian AA/ID 62 23 November 2007 Bachelor Degree Majoring Architecture, Diponegoro Univ., 1983 32 8 to be updated 20/Apr/2015 10/May/2015 Active
62 Dionisius Anas Rachmad Alexander Indonesia Indonesian AA/ID 63 17 May 2004 Bachelor Degree Majoring Architecture, Atma Jaya Univ. - Yogyakarta, 1993 22 11 Hospital and Banking Building 20/Apr/2015 11/May/2015 Active
63 Achmad Noerzaman Indonesia Indonesian AA/ID 64 17 June 2008 Bachelor Degree Majoring Architecture, Univ. of Indonesia, 1987 Master Degree Majoring Management, IPWI Jakarta, 2003 28 7 to be updated 20/Apr/2015 12/May/2015 Active
64 Reggy Widjaya Indonesia Indonesian AA/ID 65 23 November 2007 Bachelor Degree Majoring Architecture, Tarumanagara Univ., 1994 Master Degree Majoring Architecture, Katholieke Univ. Leuveun, 1996 21 8 to be updated 20/Apr/2015 13/May/2015 Active
65 Atiq Lazuardi Anwar Indonesia Indonesian AA/ID 66 20 April 2005 Bachelor Degree Majoring Architecture, Gadjah Mada Univ., 1987 28 10 to be updated 20/Apr/2015 14/May/2015 Active
66 Sita Budi Saptawati Indonesia Indonesian AA/ID 67 30 July 2009 Bachelor Degree Majoring Architecture, Institute Technology of Indonesia, 1992 23 6 to be updated 20/Apr/2015 15/May/2015 Active
67 Charry Bintoro Indonesia Indonesian AA/ID 68 22 Desember 2008 Bachelor Degree Majoring Architecture, Sebelas Maret Univ., 1992 23 7 Commercial Building 20/Apr/2015 16/May/2015 Active
68 Hendry Ardianto Indonesia Indonesian AA/ID 69 17 June 2009 Bachelor Degree Majoring Architecture, Soegijapranata Catholic Univ., 1995 20 6 Trade and Offices 20/Apr/2015 17/May/2015 Active
69 Achmad Noor Zamil Indonesia Indonesian AA/ID 70 5 May 2006 Bachelor Degree Majoring Architecture, Bandung Institute of Technology, 1982 33 9 to be updated 20/Apr/2015 18/May/2015 Active
70 Rino Syahrir Indonesia Indonesian AA/ID 71 23 November 2007 Bachelor Degree Majoring Architecture, Univ. of Indonesia., 1997 18 8 to be updated 20/Apr/2015 19/May/2015 Active